High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service
Customized Service to Identify the Ideal Protein Expression Strategy for Your Difficult-To-Express Target Proteins
If you are having difficulties with the expression of your target proteins, achieving low yields and sub-optimal activity, you should consider whether your current expression strategy is the most appropriate. Finding the ideal solution for optimal protein expression can be challenging as it is often time-consuming, requires a high level of expertise, proven processes and specialized equipment.
For the expression of complex proteins, the selection of an appropriate target variant and expression host is of crucial importance. Our customized high-throughput protein expression screening service helps you to identify the ideal combination of expression host and construct to increase the quality of your difficult-to-express target proteins.
Contact our dedicated and highly qualified protein experts on PhD level to learn more about our high-throughput protein expression screening service, we will be happy to assist you with your research project and the acceleration of your innovation.
If you would like more in-depth information about our High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service, take a listen to our shortcast. Here you can find more information on frequently asked questions.
High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service
Screening Process to Identify the Best Expression Host and Construct/Target Variant Combination
Our high-throughput protein expression screening service process begins with a comprehensive analysis of your target proteins, utilising sophisticated algorithms and AI-assisted prediction tools. The outcome of the in-depth analysis builds the foundation to propose a comprehensive screening strategy of different target variants in the most important expression hosts: E.coli, yeast, insect cells, mammalian cells. The comprehensive protein expression screening process includes simultaneous screening of your target protein expression in different hosts and strains, using different vectors, each with carefully selected, unique properties.
More than 300 different vectors and backbones are instantly available from our vector toolbox to screen for the best productivity, solubility, activity, stability and purity of your challenging target proteins. In order to analyze dozens or even hundreds of targets or target variants, we have scaled down the expression and purification processes to plate format and developed an intelligent approach that combines the power of automation with our long-standing experience in recombinant protein production. After the expression host and target variant screen is completed, upscaling and final production of the desired quantity of your fully active and functional target proteins will be the next step.

High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service
Main Adavantages
High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service
Service Includes

High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service
Target Variant Significantly Affects Protein Expression Success
Every protein is different and one amino acid can dramatically change the properties of a protein. By rational design of the target protein based on given domain structures, boundaries and other parameters, we generate different sets of expression constructs, adding unique features of our expression vectors to the target variants. This allows us to increase the solubility, correct folding, localisation, modification, purifiability, yield and ultimately the quality/activity of your target protein. We have many candidates in our high-throughput protein expression service and it’s a bit of a competition: May the best one win! Again, the outcome of the screening process paves the way for the large-scale production and purification of your target protein.