High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

With our customized high-throughput protein expression screening service, our highly skilled and experienced protein experts offer an efficient approach that dramatically increases the success rate of your difficult-to-express target proteins and saves you valuable time. By systematically testing and simultaneously screening dozens or even hundreds of constructs and target variants in different host systems, we identify the most effective combination of expression host and expression construct to improve the productivity, solubility, activity, stability and purity of your target proteins.

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High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

Customized Service to Identify the Ideal Protein Expression Strategy for Your Difficult-To-Express Target Proteins

If you are having difficulties with the expression of your target proteins, achieving low yields and sub-optimal activity, you should consider whether your current expression strategy is the most appropriate. Finding the ideal solution for optimal protein expression can be challenging as it is often time-consuming, requires a high level of expertise, proven processes and specialized equipment.

For the expression of complex proteins, the selection of an appropriate target variant and expression host is of crucial importance. Our customized high-throughput protein expression screening service helps you to identify the ideal combination of expression host and construct to increase the quality of your difficult-to-express target proteins.

Contact our dedicated and highly qualified protein experts on PhD level to learn more about our high-throughput protein expression screening service, we will be happy to assist you with your research project and the acceleration of your innovation.

If you would like more in-depth information about our High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service, take a listen to our shortcast. Here you can find more information on frequently asked questions.

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High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

Screening Process to Identify the Best Expression Host and Construct/Target Variant Combination

Our high-throughput protein expression screening service process begins with a comprehensive analysis of your target proteins, utilising sophisticated algorithms and AI-assisted prediction tools. The outcome of the in-depth analysis builds the foundation to propose a comprehensive screening strategy of different target variants in the most important expression hosts: E.coli, yeast, insect cells, mammalian cells. The comprehensive protein expression screening process includes simultaneous screening of your target protein expression in different hosts and strains, using different vectors, each with carefully selected, unique properties.

More than 300 different vectors and backbones are instantly available from our vector toolbox to screen for the best productivity, solubility, activity, stability and purity of your challenging target proteins. In order to analyze dozens or even hundreds of targets or target variants, we have scaled down the expression and purification processes to plate format and developed an intelligent approach that combines the power of automation with our long-standing experience in recombinant protein production. After the expression host and target variant screen is completed, upscaling and final production of the desired quantity of your fully active and functional target proteins will be the next step.

High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service_Overall Process_trenzyme GmbH

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High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

Main Adavantages

AI-Driven Target Analysis_Support for Protein Expression Screening Service

State-Of-The-Art Technology: AI-Driven Target Analysis

Your target protein sequence is analyzed in detail, and various prediction tools and machine learning algorithms point the way to streamline the screening strategy. The combination of cutting-edge technologies with our extensive expertise in recombinant protein production increases the overall success rate, especially for difficult-to-express targets.

4 different Expression Systems available: e.coli, yeast, insect cells, mammalian cells

4 Different Expression Systems: High Level of Expertise

We have many years of experience in the most important expression systems, such as: E. coli, mammalian cells, yeast and insect cells. Each expression host has its strengths and weaknesses. For the screening process, we will carefully select the best combination of host systems for your target protein to ensure maximum quality without losing sight of the economic situation.

Modular Vector Toolbox - Icon for Advantage of Protein Expression Screening Service

Modular Vector & Backbone Toolbox

Our constantly growing toolbox includes a large number of expression vectors and backbones (300+) for each of our established expression host systems: E.coli, mammalian, yeast and insect. The validated expression vectors contain all the unique and proven features to streamline the protein expression screening service process.

De-Risking Your Project - Protein Expression Screening Service

De-Risking Your Project Success

To minimize risk and maximize your project success, we test many different variants and constructs in parallel to ensure that the best target design wins. Each target protein has its own specific requirements and characteristics. Proper protein design is essential and has a major impact on the success of protein expression. A single modified amino acid can sometimes change the whole result, leading to tedious and time-consuming repetitions.

Service Icon for Tailored upscaling_Recombinant Protein Expression Service_trenzyme

Easy Upscaling To Large Scale Protein Production

After optimizing the expression and purification process in small scale through our high-throughput protein expression screening service, our highly skilled protein experts ensure a smooth transition to the production of large quantities of your target protein without compromising quality by understanding the pitfalls of upscaling.


Dedicated Project Management & High Quality Standards

Our project management team will guide your project through the entire process, providing regular updates on the current status of the project. This allows for a high degree of flexibility and an efficient and maximized project success. High quality standards, close collaboration with our clients and total transparency are our top priorities.

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trenzyme's Protein Service includes the following points. Open Hand with vial.

High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

Service Includes

  • Parallel protein expression screening of different expression constructs and variants in different expression systems
  • Various expression organisms available for high-throughput protein expression screening service: E.coli, yeast, insect cells and mammalian cells
  • A large collection of expression vectors (over 300) with features tailored to the specific needs of your target proteins
  • Highly qualified protein experts with extensive experience in various expression systems and in the engineering of expression vectors
  • Free initial project consultation with our scientific expert team
  • Dedicated project management to guide you through the entire project process. This ensures maximum flexibility and project success.
  • Extensive analysis and quality control
  • Comprehensive and clear documentation of the project
  • Optional: Upscaling of protein expression
  • Optional: Complete up- and downstream process development
  • Optional: Protein activity screening
  • Optional: Extended analytics tailored to your needs
  • Optional: Protein expression and purification optimization services

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Plasmid_Target Variant Screening_High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

High-Throughput Protein Expression Screening Service

Target Variant Significantly Affects Protein Expression Success

Every protein is different and one amino acid can dramatically change the properties of a protein. By rational design of the target protein based on given domain structures, boundaries and other parameters, we generate different sets of expression constructs, adding unique features of our expression vectors to the target variants. This allows us to increase the solubility, correct folding, localisation, modification, purifiability, yield and ultimately the quality/activity of your target protein. We have many candidates in our high-throughput protein expression service and it’s a bit of a competition: May the best one win! Again, the outcome of the screening process paves the way for the large-scale production and purification of your target protein.

What Our Clients Say About Us

“I can highly recommend the protein experts at trenzyme. Thanks to their expression screening service and high expertise, a combination of folding helpers, tags and target variants could be found to finally produce and purify our core protein from the HEK293 cell culture supernatant. We had been searching for a solution for decades. Now, thanks to trenzyme, we have found it. I am also very pleased with the excellent communication from the project management team who have kept us up to date with the progress of the project. Thank you very much for that.“

Ferdinand Kappes, Associate Professor Duke Kunshan University, China
Duke Kunshan University_Customer of trenzyme GmbH

Scientific Posters

Modular System for Efficient Screening and Optimized Production of Difficult-To-Express Target Proteins

Jakobs B, Günther A, Brosig A, Horlacher R

Take a look at the whole scientific poster

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Protein Expression Screening Service FAQs

Do you have experience with difficult-to-express proteins?

Yes, our protein experts have long and extensive experience with difficult to express proteins. We have set up our high-throughput protein expression screening service specifically for this type of protein and are committed to delivering successful results for these challenging targets. For further information please contact us using the contact form on our website. Our protein experts look forward to helping you with your research project.

Does codon optimization guarantee better protein expression?

Yes, in general, expression levels are higher after codon optimization. However, in most cases codon optimization alone is not sufficient to achieve the best results. In our high-throughput protein expression screening service we also take care of DNA and RNA structure optimization to further optimize the expression of a given target.  This is done by our experts at the beginning of a project and is an important key to its success.

How many custom proteins have you produced so far? What is the typical success rate?

We have been working with recombinant proteins for over 20 years and have successfully produced over 4000 different proteins. The general success rate used to be around 80% – but with the introduction of high-throughput protein expression screening and AI tools for difficult-to-express targets, we have been able to increase the success rate even further and we are very confident that we will reach close to 100%.

How many expression constructs or variants do you typically screen in an experiment?

We start with a minimum of 5 constructs and variants – this is the minimum set number. Depending on the difficulty of the target and our client’s needs, we increase the number to several dozen or even hundreds of variants and constructs.

What is the timeline for a high-throughput protein expression screening round?

This depends mainly on the complexity of the target and its length. Including gene synthesis and highly parallelized cloning in the huge collection of expression vectors, it could take as little as 5 weeks to get results and enter the production phase.

Are the results of high throughput protein expression screening predictable for later upscaling?

Yes, absolutely! Because we screen not only for expression but also for purification at the protein screening phase, we can easily calculate the expression scale required for a    given target protein and desired quantity.

Can trenzyme provide test samples from a protein expression screening campaign?

Yes, on request we can provide some purified test material from a screening experiment. Depending on the downstream analytical method, you should be able to determine other quality criteria that may be helpful in ranking the results of a screening and selecting the best expression or construct variant for further upscaling.

See General FAQs

Reinhold Horlacher, PhD

Managing Director & CSO

We would be happy to provide you with support on your protein research project. Let us know your questions and requests, our scientific experts will reply shortly.

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