Recombinant Protein Expression in E.coli
Service Package
Our recombinant protein expression in E.coli service package is ideal for standard proteins. If you need limited quantities of a particular target protein, e.g. for initial target characterization or early-stage production, this is the service of choice. Furthermore, manufacturability and production data gained in the framework of a “protein production package” can also serve as a valuable starting point for future, upscaled and/or refined production of your target protein in our company.
Please contact us if you need larger quantities or have additional project requirements. Our protein experts are happy to support you with challenging targets and offer you tailor-made solutions with our ➥Custom Protein Production Service.
Process of
Recombinant Protein Expression in E.coli
Recombinant Protein Expression in E.coli
Service Package Includes
Additional Service Options:
Your Benefits
From Working With Us
What Our Clients Say About Us
Feasibility Check and Pilot Study
During initial free individual consulting, our scientific experts run a feasibility check (e.g. literature check, database check, product check, etc.) with your protein sequence to define the ideal service strategy for your specific target.
To achieve maximum efficiency and save you significant time and money, we additionally run a small scale pilot study in this service process. These preliminary assessments help us determine in advance whether the target protein expression in E.coli is possible and whether the purification process is feasible. If desired, we will provide you with test samples to check the functionality and quality of the purified target protein in your hands.
The big benefit for you: After pilot scale evaluation we guarantee the final yield, purity and timeline – you only pay the production run when we succeed!