“Virus-Schnelltests mit Infrarot-Laser-Spektroskopie” /
“Rapid virus tests based on infrared laser spectroscopy”
nanopore technology for the molecular diagnostics of the future
trenzyme will develop production processes from gene to protein for various demanding targets in different expression systems to support the project partners with high-quality engineered protein material and to ensure the long-term supply after successful completion of the project. ➥www.nanodiag.de
Due to our dedicated participation in ZIM projects and our special commitment to research and development projects, trenzyme GmbH was awarded the seal „innovative through research“ by the ➥Stifterverband.
The Stifterverband is one of the largest private science sponsors in Germany and is committed to young academics, excellent universities and top-level research. Furthermore, the tasks of the Stifterverband include the investigation and evaluation of the German research and innovation system. More information on the Stifterverband and the research seal: ➥https://www.stifterverband.org/forschung-und-entwicklung
“Entwicklung eines neuartigen hiPSC abgeleiteten Leber-Testsystems zur Untersuchung von Entwicklungstoxinen bei der Entstehung von NAFLD” /
“Development of a novel hiPSC-derived liver test system for investigating developmental toxins in the development of NAFLD”
“Entwicklung einer Technologieplattform zur rekombinanten Herstellung komplexer Proteine als Hybridprotein mit Selbstabspaltung” /
“Development of a technology platform for the recombinant production of complex proteins as hybrid proteins with self-cleavage”
“Genetische Modifikation der hiPSC zur induzierbaren Überexpression von Differenzierungs-Schlüsselgenen, Nachverfolgung des Differenzierungsgrades und induzierbare Immortalisierung” / “Genetic modification of hiPSC for inducible overexpression of differentiation key genes, tracking of the degree of differentiation, and inducible immortalization”
“Entwicklung von sensitiven Zellkomponenten für den Pyrogennachweis (MAT), die eine Differenzierung von verschiedenen Pyrogenen ermöglicht” / “Development of sensitive cell components for pyrogen detection (MAT) that allows differentiation of various pyrogens”
“Neuartiger Genotoxizitätstest auf Basis von quasi- primären Zellen” / “Novel genotoxicity assay based on quasi-primary cells”
EuroTransBio, 2010 – 2013
Development of fluorescent molecular beacons for quantitative in situ detection of specific protein targets. trenzyme has partnered with experts at ➥Cyanagen and the ➥Universität Konstanz for this project.
“Entwicklung neuer mikrobieller Stämme mit besserer Löslichkeit für bestimmte Zielproteine und Proteinklassen” / “Development of new microbial strains with superior solubility for specific target proteins and protein classes”